
School as a community Hub


We want to make schools familiar places to the residents and people working in the neighborhood, as creating a relationship where they know each other’s faces. Eventually, the entire town is like a school, raising children all together.

(From "Toward Reopening Schools," Tomioka Town, Futaba County, Fukushima Prefecture)

富岡町(とみおかまち)は福島県の太平洋側・中ほどにあり、 2011年東日本大震災・福島第一原発事故の影響により大きな被害を受けました。2017年4月に「帰還困難区域」を除き避難指示解除、そして2020年3月10日には、「帰還困難区域」のうちの一部の避難指示が新たに解除され、震災後10年目を迎えた今、1500人ほどが町内で生活しています。

NPO法人インビジブルは、2017年富岡町教育振興計画検討委員会(通称:富岡町のまなびを考える会)に関わり、2018年学校再開に向けたアクションプランの制作に携わりました。そこで「コミュニティの拠点となる学校」を目指すこと、そして震災前から富岡町の教育方針として掲げてきた「町ぐるみで子どもたちを育てる」ことをコンセプトの中心に置き、新たに 「人がつながり 文化をつむぐ 多世代教育」を実現するための展望を立てました。

同年8月、富岡町との包括連携協定を交わし、この理念をもとに富岡町立小中学校を舞台に、各界のプロが、教室を仕事場としながら子ども達と学校生活を共にする PinSプロジェクト「Professionals in School (プロフェッショナル転校生)」の活動がスタートしました。


Tomioka town is in Futaba-gun(county), Fukushima Prefecture, located on the Pacific coast (Hama-dori), and the area was severely damaged by the Great East Japan Earthquake and Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident in 2011. In April 2017, the evacuation order was lifted except for the "difficult-to-return areas," and by March 10th, 2020, the evacuation order for some parts of the "difficult-to-return zones" was finally lifted.

Marking 10-year-anniversary since the Earthquake and Tsunami, approximately 1,500 people live in the town today, compared to roughly 15,800 residents in March, 2011.

In 2017, non-profit organization inVisible took part of the Committee for Tomioka Town Promotional Plan Review for Education to create an action plan in preparation for the reopening of schools in 2018. Both with the aim of creating “school as a community hub” and the concept of "nurturing children with the entire town" which has been the educational policy of Tomioka Town since before the earthquake, at the center of the concept, we have formulated a new vision for realizing a "multi-generational education that connects people and builds culture."

In August of the same year, the town and invisible signed a comprehensive agreement to officially launch Professionals in School (PinS) Project which had been written in the action plan. The PinS Project which stands for “Professionals in School” launched in 2018 in Tomioka town elementary and junior high schools. This artist-in-resident like project creates an environment where artists, architects, musicians, and other creative-minded-professionals take on the role of “transfer students” while using the classroom as their workplace.

About Tomioka Town Elementary and Junior High Schools





In Tomioka Town, Futaba County, Fukushima Prefecture, there used to be four schools: Tomioka Daiichi(1st) and Daini (2nd) Elementary as well as 1st and 2nd Junior High Schools with a total enrollment of approximately 1400 students. In September 2011, following the Great East Japan Earthquake and the accident at Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, Miharu campus, opened in Miharu town in north-central part of Fukushima Prefecture, was designated as an evacuation site. In April 2017, the evacuation order for Tomioka was lifted, and Tomioka campus using the renovated building of the former Tomioka 1st Junior High School reopened in 2018.

With Miharu campus closing in March 2022, the Tomioka 1st and 2nd Elementary Schools and the Tomioka 1st and 2nd Junior High Schools will be integrated into two schools and are schedule to grand-open in April 2022 in Tomioka Town. The names of the schools, chosen through the open call for naming the schools facilitated by the Tomioka Town Board of Education will be "Tomioka Elementary School" and "Tomioka Junior High School.”

参考資料 / Reference
(Only available in Japanese.)


学校の公式サイト(定期的に学校の様子が掲載されます)Official School websites (Only available in Japanese)

富岡町立第一・第二小学校 / Tomioka Town 1st and 2nd Elementary Schools

富岡町立第一・第二中学校 / Tomioka Town 1st and 2nd Junior High Schools

Here are links to the official channel of Tomioka Town documenting the demolishment of the three school buildings (Tomioka Town 1st and 2nd Elementary Schools and Tomioka 2nd Junior High School)