【 PinSociety 】


Communicating to Society


本来、創造性・想像力は誰もが持つとても平等な能力であり 、この能力は、教育 、そして人 間が生きる(発育する)上で欠かすことができません。 ひとづくりを標榜し、富岡町立小中学校を舞台に2018年から「Professionals in School (プロフェッショナル転校生)」を実施してきたPinSプロジェクト。2020年からは新たに地域文化の開発や関係・交流人口の向上を目的としたツアーシンポジウムドュメンタリー などのプログラムを始動し、社会・地域コミュニティとの連携を図っています。

Creativity and imagination are comparable abilities we all possess, and these abilities are indispensable in education and in everyday life. In 2020, we started new programs such as tours, symposiums, and documentaries to explore real Tomioka and cultivate local culture, with an effort to increase the number of people involved and interacting with the local community.

体験する / Tour / 2020~


富岡町の未来を感じながらリアルな姿を感じ・学ぶ体験ツアー。参加する方々の感性や異なる視点を尊重した対話や意見交換の時間を多く盛り込み、参加者一人一人の知見や経験と紐づけた富岡町の体験を企画します。決してメディアでは伝わらない新たな”気付き”が見いだせるPinS特有の旅になることを目指しています。富岡町出身で、PinSプロジェクトのパートナーである福島県双葉郡の総合インフォメーションセンター「ふたばいんふぉ」代表平山勉(通称:つーさん)や震災がきっけとなり東京から移住した辺見珠美 (通称:たまちゃん)などがメインホストを務め、富岡町や近隣地域の今と未来を象徴づける、地元の人が本当に知ってほしい内容を盛り込んだツアーを実施します。

We offer tours to feel and learn about the ‘real’ Tomioka town while getting a sense as to(of) what its future might become. We have included a range of opportunities for dialogue and exchange opinions, respecting the participants’ feelings and different perspectives. Tsutomu Hirayama, aka"Tsu-san," a Tomioka native and Tamami Henmi, aka “Tama-chan,” who moved to Tomioka from Tokyo after the Earthquake are the main hosts of the PinS tour and the contents of the tour are catered for tour participants by them.

A Message from Tsu-san

“After the Great East Japan Earthquake and Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, Tomioka Town, which is within 20 km from Fukushima Daiichi was designated as a hazard area and the residents were forced to evacuate. As a result, the town became completely empty. In April 2017, the evacuation order was partially lifted, you could see that the number of people living in the town gradually started to increase. We hope that by getting to see the people, more would get to learn about the current situation of this town, a town that has stood back up after a disaster. We want this tour to be something beyond what the media conveys, to have positive influence on your perspective and way of thinking, and perhaps even the significance of being alive today.”

A Message from Tama-chan

“How people are living in the place where everyone once left? Is there happiness there? I would like to show you the real lives of people.”

話す・聴く/ Symposium / 2021~




PinS symposium is a platform for us to sit down to have conversations in order to deepen the understanding of the PinS Project as well as the current situation in Tomioka town from a professional and multifaceted perspective. This is also an opportunity to learn from and with experts especially in the field of arts, education, and community development who would bring in an objective and fresh point of view to the table.

観る / Documentary films / 2020~


There are a lot more than what words can convey. The PinS Project provides a chance for people to get a feel and know what Tomioka town is really like through moving images that capture the town and its daily life. Filmmaker Ryuichi Maruo will be making the first of these films and he has chosen to focus on people's “rest and relaxation."

スクリーンショット 2021-01-22 17.37.12.png

参加する / PinS Project KIT / 2021~

PinS Project KITは、PinSプロジェクトが目指す「教えない教育ー偶然性が生まれる環境」を実践するためのメディアであり、ツールとしてを作成しました。 

町をめぐる状況は日々変化しています。富岡町に関する客観的な地誌情報をまとめたマップを手に、富岡町を旅し、見たものや聞いたこと、そこで出会った人の話や印象、知ったことや考えたことなど、あなたの主観的な思いをこのMAPに書き込んで( = Pinを打って)みてください。そうして初めて、あなただけの富岡町の思いや体験が詰まったオリジナルのマップが完成します。KITは富岡町のふたばいんふぉにありますので、お出かけの際は是非ともお立ち寄りください!

The situation surrounding the town is changing day by day. With this PinS Project MAP of objective geographical information about Tomioka Town in your hands, please travel around the town and write (=pin) your subjective thoughts directly in the map, including stories, impressions, and thoughts of the people you meet during your journey.  Only then will you be able to create an original map filled with your own thoughts and experiences of Tomioka Town.

PinS Project KIT was created as a medium and a tool to put into practice the PinS Project's goal of "education without teaching - design and nurture serendipity in the learning environment.”